
Since 2004, in amongst the restorations we have also spent much time looking into the rich history of the property.

Use the navigation links on the left hand side to view each item.

The Font


The Font is situated at the North Eastern corner of the property, hidden in its own shady grove. Over the centuries the spring has been utilised as a convenient washing area for the household linen, you can see clearly the circular, bowl shaped structure.



Benedictine Patron Saint of Wine Growers

Feast Day 3 June

Morand was born into a rich and aristocratic family near Worms, Germany, and was educated at Worms Cathedral School. Following his Ordaination there, he made a pilgrimage to Compostela, Spain, and entered the Benedictine Monastry at Cluny.

Morand was sent to Alsace to become the counsellor for Count Frederick Pferz based at St Christopher Church at Altkirch. He performed many miracles there. He became the patron saint of the wine making community because, he celebrated each Lent, having only a bunch of grapes as sustainance.

Créneau South Barn

Créneau- South Barn

In the north wall of the South Barn, there is a niche containing a small statue of the Virgin Mary. It is not the original statue but one whch represents the original, the Lady of Pontmain , until it is found.

The niche was constructed after the Second World War, to commemorate the secret activity of the French Resistance Movement here at Prissac, when they hid refugees in the south barn, en route to Spain. Conformation of this activity is given by the local family, who lived at Fontmorand at the time.

German Forces arrived in Prissac on le '10 juillet 1944' from the direction of Luzeret, turned right into Prissac in the direction of Belabre and Oulche, fortunately missing Fontmorand and le Moulin Ribaud (Headquarters for the Marquis in Prissac). This simple act and the bravery of Henri Mégray forged the connection with the Prussian Army, the Lady of Pontmain and the armistice 17 January 1871.

The story also tells of the romance between the organiser of the refugee route, who had arrived in Prissac from Alsace, and one of the daughters of the household. They were married and a daughter of that romance now lives and works at Chateauroux. Use the Vierge de Pontmain Link.

More information on the Lady of Pontmain can be found here.